Pest, with Nuno Maduro
אודות הפרק
In this episode we talk with Nuno Maduro about the PHP testing framework Pest, a PHP testing framework that focuses on bringing you a more simplified, fluent, and powerful way of writing automated tests.
- Nuno Maduro's Twitter - https://twitter.com/enunomaduro
- Sponsor Nuno Maduro - https://github.com/sponsors/nunomaduro
- Pest - https://pestphp.com
- Pest Discord Server - https://discord.com/invite/bMAJv82
- Perl - https://www.perl.org/
- Parallel Plugin - https://pestphp.com/docs/plugins/parallel
- PHPUnit - https://phpunit.de/
- Jest - https://jestjs.io/
- Livewire - https://laravel-livewire.com/
- Watch Plugin - https://pestphp.com/docs/plugins/watch
- Retry Plugin - https://docs.php-http.org/en/latest/plugins/retry.html
- Datasets - https://pestphp.com/docs/datasets#datasets
- Oliver Nybroe's Twitter - https://twitter.com/olivernybroe?lang=en
- Oliver Nybroe's GitHub - https://github.com/olivernybroe
- Owen Voke's Twitter - https://twitter.com/owenvoke
- Owen Voke's GitHub - https://github.com/owenvoke
- Luke Downing's Twitter - https://twitter.com/LukeDowning19
- Luke Downing's GitHub - https://github.com/lukeraymonddowning
- Freek Van der Herten's Twitter - https://twitter.com/freekmurze
- Freek Van der Herten's Blog - https://freek.dev
Editing and transcription sponsored by Tighten.