Spatie's Laravel-Backup, with Freek Van der Herten
אודות הפרק
In this episode we talk with Freek Van der Herten about Spatie's Laravel package Laravel-Backup, which can make a backup of your application to any external storage destination of your choice. You can choose what should be backed up: files from the file system and/or your database, and how often. It also offers helpful features such as monitoring your backups and sending you notifications.
- Freek Van der Herten's Twitter - https://twitter.com/freekmurze
- Freek Van der Herten's Blog - https://freek.dev
- Spatie - https://spatie.be
- Spatie Twitter - https://twitter.com/spatie_be?lang=en
- Oh Dear - https://ohdear.app
- Laravel-Backup GitHub - https://github.com/spatie/laravel-backup
- Laravel-Backup Introduction - https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-backup/v8/introduction
- Vapor - https://vapor.laravel.com/
- AWS S3 - https://aws.amazon.com/s3/
- Forge - https://forge.laravel.com/
- Zend Framework - https://framework.zend.com/
- DigitalOcean - https://www.digitalocean.com/
- Composer- https://getcomposer.org/
- Grandfather-father-son scheme - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backup_rotation_scheme#:~:text=Grandfather%2Dfather%2Dson%20backup%20is,a%20FIFO%20system%20as%20above.
- DB-Dumper GitHub - https://github.com/spatie/db-dumper
- DB-Snapshots GitHub - https://github.com/spatie/laravel-db-snapshots
- Laravel Backup Server - https://spatie.be/products/laravel-backup-server
Editing and transcription sponsored by Tighten.