Persona Podcast - Matthew Johnson IES 2019
אודות הפרק
Matthew Johnson – Attorney, Cooley LLP. Matt is an attorney in Colley's Education, Technology, and Privacy security group. He focused on assisting educational companies with a wide verity of legal and market issues. We sat to talk about the main legal challenges on EdTech Startup is dealing with, how does on early-stage Startup should think about does challenge. Persona Podcast is the Israeli lead Podcast about innovation in education, the podcast host is Niv Morgenstern, Educational Entrepreneur, podcast creator and a Learning experience designer. IES2019 - June 4+5 2019 @ Rabin Center, Tel Aviv. The fourth annual Israel Education Summit brought 1,000 industry leaders from all around the globe to the Rabin Center in Tel Aviv. Links: Matthew Johnson: EdTech Israel: The Episode in our site: Tell us what you think about the podcast and if you want to hear about Israel Innovation in education in English, write to us at מתיו ג'ונסון הוא עורך-דין המתמחה בחברות טכנולוגיה חינוכיות, דיברנו יחד על האתגרי המשפטיים הקיימים לחברות ואיך מיזמי טכנולוגיה חינוכית בתחילת דרכם צריכים להתמודד עם אתגרים שכאלו.