542: Testimony of Eldad Hess, Kibbutz Nirim – October 7th massacre

542: Testimony of Eldad Hess, Kibbutz Nirim – October 7th massacre

אודות הפרק

Testimony of Eldad Hess from Kibutz Nirim October 7th massacre Read by Yuval Malchi "...And I'm holding, holding the handle as if holding my life. “Attallah,” I hear, and realize that there are at least two or three men in the house. I'm sweating, in my underwear, sitting on the kids’ toy bin, grabbing the handle, and they are trying to open it. Goldi, I whisper to my wife, they are here!!! Goldi, they are trying to open the door! She texts the entire kibbutz, please help us! Anyone please come! And no one comes " Translation - Dina Routin Pyle Write me if you want to share your story. Yuval

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