KanAmerica Episode #4 (in Hebrew) recorded 5/19/2017

KanAmerica Episode #4 (in Hebrew) recorded 5/19/2017

אודות הפרק

Welcome to Episode #4!

CryptoCurrency prices keep rising, and we discuss whether this is reasonable, or a pyramid scheme, where the last entrants will get the big blow. 

We then turned into the question if the blockchain has life without the attached CryptoCurrencies, as a stand alone technology and the role of the CryptoCurrency as a payment method to incentivize participation in the blockchain.

We then discussed the value of CryptoCurrency as a protection against economic meltdowns and what governments can do to impede the progress of Bitcoin.

We hope you will enjoy listening.

Please feel free to comment, or send questions to feedback@kanamerica.com.

Chanan, Yishai and Uli

Home » podcast itemes » KanAmerica » KanAmerica Episode #4 (in Hebrew) recorded 5/19/2017